Why do we doubt?  What causes us to doubt?

Did you know that there were doubters in the Bible?

Eve, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Israelites, Gideon, Zechariah, Thomas, were all people of doubt. They doubted God.

  • Genesis 3:1-6 the story of Eve, how the serpent made Eve forget all that God had given her and instead focus on lies.
  • Genesis 21:7 the story of Sarah & Abraham having a baby at an old age, because of doubt we forfeit the peace of God’s promises to us. When in Romans 10:13 He tells us, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”. Focus on God and his promises to bring peace to your heart. Trust him to do what he says.
  • Numbers 11:21 the story of Moses doubting God’s power to feed the Israelites. Remembering what he has done in the past will correct our doubt in those moments.

Doubt is to call into question the truth of; to be uncertain. It is also to demonstrate a lack of confidence; overthinking; lack of trust; uncertainty leads to doubt.

So what causes that doubt? The sin or brokenness in our lives, when we disconnect from Him, when we are not abiding in Him, doubt along with other things will creep in. To abide means to united to Jesus (connection), to rely on Jesus (dependence), and to remain in Jesus (continuance).

I heard a song this morning from Pat Barrett, “The Way” and in the lyrics he says,

“All my fears and doubts they can all come too”

“Because they can’t stay long when I believe You”

“I believe You are the Way, the Truth, the Life”

What truth those words speak.

To overcome our doubt spend time in His word to learn His promises and His ways. Acknowledge what he has done in your life through prayer and thanksgiving. Your Faith will grow as you see the ways he carried you through your past, your situations, the hard times, the questioning, and the uncertainty that comes.